In a global environment where contacts between people from all over the world are increasing exponentially, the need for people of all ages to develop cross-cultural understanding and skills is both beneficial and a requirement for future success. Being culturally savvy is a skill that must be learned, and only through quality cross-cultural learning can this be accomplished. Accessing accurate, up-to- date and insightful country and cultural knowledge is more important than ever before.
Atma Global develops leading-edge learning solutions on cultures, countries and business topics. Our learning products equip students and educators with essential and comprehensive cross-cultural knowledge and skills needed to understand the world around them and successfully interact with people from different cultures.
We offer a variety of level-appropriate learning products that engage students with extensive video content and detailed proprietary, reliable, and relevant text content. All of our products can be used in the classroom or in a self-paced individual learning environment.
Atma Global learning products are an engaging, reliable, and interactive reference resource for global business, management, humanities, global studies, and language learning curriculums.
All of our learning products offer libraries, schools, universities, governments, and foundation-funded initiatives an opportunity to foster a sense of global community and encourage cultural understanding. Our learning products are available in various formats. As a database content solution, libraries, universities, and schools have added our learning products to their intranets and to their learning management systems for expanded course offerings. Our learning products contain a unique mix of high-level content presented in an engaging, accessible format and are tailored to meet the needs of a range of audiences around the world. Our dynamic, interactive learning products are delivered through web platforms (Internet, intranet, extranet, LMS), video, and eBooks.
Now students and educators can literally experience and explore cultures around the world. Students can watch, hear, and read about cultural values, beliefs, protocol, local culture, customs, and business practices. Cost- and time-efficient, Atma Global learning products combine user-friendly technology with superior, unique, and culture-specific content.
Contact us to learn how we can help you.